Supply Co.
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cell culture
fast freeze
full scale organic chemistry kit
spherical reaction
cylindrical reaction
TLC reagent sprayers
Lab Supplies
agricultural testing
lab chemicals
lab consumables
lab diagnostics
lab equipment
lab filtration
lab fume hoods
lab furniture
lab heating+refrigeration
lab instruments
lab storage+transport
lab supply equipment replacement
lab utensils
Bottle Top Dispensors
Carboys Jerry Cabs Jugs
Centrifuge Test Tubes
Centrifuge Tube Accesories
Crucibles Heating Bowls
Flask Stabilizer
cell culture
fast freeze
full scale organic chemistry kit
spherical reaction
cylindrical reaction
TLC reagent sprayers
Graduated Cylinders
Lab Adapter Joints
Lab Bottles Jars
Lab Funnels
Lab Trays Pans
Morter Pestle
Petri Dishes
Secchi Disc+Access
Stainless Covers
Stainless Containers
Vial Top Crimpers
particle sizing
material testing equipment
microbiology supplies
physical test equipment
soil testing
water quality
water testing
Material Handling
Office Supplies
Paint Equipment
Pipe Hose Fittings
Power Transmission
Raw Materials
Reference Supplies
Test Instruments
0 52NF49
25 mL Capacity
0 52NF73
Angled Triple Neck Round Bottom Flask: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NG43
Angled Triple Neck Round Bottom Flask: 1,000 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass
0 52NG58
Round Bottom Flask: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NG59
Round Bottom Flask: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NG79
Angled Three Neck Round Bottom: 500 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NH20
Angled Three Neck Round Bottom: 500 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NH40
Round Bottom Flask: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NH47
Angled Three Neck Round Bottom: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NH63
Round Bottom Flask: 5 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NH78
Round Bottom Flask: 5 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NJ05
Pear Shaped Boiling Flask: 5 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NJ28
Pear Shaped Boiling Flask: 15 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NJ30
Angled Three Neck Round Bottom: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NJ37
Pear Shaped Boiling Flask: 25 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 52NJ39
Pear Shaped Boiling Flask: 35 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Borosilicate Glass, Stopper
0 5YHK1
Filtering Flask, Side Tubulature: 125 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, Clear, Stopper, 10 PK
0 5YHK2
Filtering Flask, Side Tubulature: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, Clear, Stopper, 10 PK
0 5YHK4
Filtering Flask, Side Tubulature: 1,000 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, Clear, Stopper, 2 PK
0 38C797
Erlenmeyer Flask: 2 L Labware Capacity - Metric, Polycarbonate, 600 to 2000mL, Green, Screw On, 6 PK
0 38C798
Erlenmeyer Flask: 2 L Labware Capacity - Metric, Polycarbonate, 600 to 2000mL, Green, Screw On, 6 PK
0 5YHL5
Flask, Narrow Neck: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 10 to 50 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHL6
Flask, Narrow Neck: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 20 to 100 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHL7
Flask, Narrow Neck: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHL8
Flask, Narrow Neck: 500 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 100 to 500 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHL9
Flask, Narrow Neck: 1,000 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 200 to 1000 mL, Clear, Stopper, 6 PK
0 5YHN0
Flask, Narrow Neck: 2,000 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 200 to 2000 mL, Clear, Stopper, 6 PK
0 5YHN3
Flask, Wide Neck: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHN6
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 5 to 10 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHN8
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 25 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 5 to 25 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHP4
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 20 to 100 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHP8
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 150 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 25 to 150 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHP9
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 150 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 25 to 150 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHR2
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHR6
Iodine Flask, Wide Spout: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHR8
Iodine Flask, Wide Spout: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHR9
Iodine Flask, Wide Spout: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHT0
Iodine Flask, Wide Spout: 500 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 100 to 500 mL, Clear, 6 PK
0 5MKG9
Volumetric Flask: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Polymethylpentene (PMP), Includes Closure, 2 PK
0 5PRZ1
0 5PRZ3
0 5PRZ4
0 5PRZ5
0 5PRZ6
0 5PRZ7
0 5PRZ8
0 5YHK1
0 5YHK2
0 5YHK4
0 5YHL5
0 5YHL6
0 5YHL7
Flask, Narrow Neck: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50 to 250 mL, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHL8
0 5YHL9
0 5YHN0
0 5YHN3
0 5YHN6
0 5YHN8
0 5YHP4
Conical Flask with Ground Mouth: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 20 to 100 mL, Clear, 12 PK
0 5YHP8
0 5YHP9
0 5YHR2
0 5YHR6
0 5YHR8
0 5YHR9
0 5YHT0
0 5YHZ3
0 5YHZ4
0 5YHZ5
0 5YHZ6
0 5YHZ7
0 5YHZ8
0 5YHZ9
0 6EGX1
0 6EGX3
0 6EGX4
0 8AFR0
0 8AGC7
0 8AKF9
0 8AKP5
0 8CFM1
0 8DM90
0 8GDM7
0 8GDM8
0 8GDM9
0 8GDN0
0 8GDN1
0 8GDN2
0 8GE34
0 8GE35
0 8GEM2
0 36TY20
Volumetric Flask: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Type I Borosilicate Glass, 10mL, Red, 6 PK
0 36TY21
Volumetric Flask: 25 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Type I Borosilicate Glass, 25mL, Red, 6 PK
0 36TY22
Volumetric Flask: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Type I Borosilicate Glass, 50mL, Red, 4 PK
0 36TY23
Volumetric Flask: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Type I Borosilicate Glass, 100mL, Red, 4 PK
0 5PRZ1
Flask,Class A: 1,000 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 1000mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 2 PK
0 5PRZ3
Flask,Class B: 5 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 5mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5PRZ4
Flask,Class B: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 10mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5PRZ5
Flask,Class B: 25 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 25mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5PRZ6
Flask,Class B: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5PRZ7
Flask,Class B: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 100mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 8 PK
0 5PRZ8
Flask,Class B: 200 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 200mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 6 PK
0 5YHZ3
Flask,Class A: 5 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 5mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHZ4
Flask,Class A: 10 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 10mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHZ5
Flask,Class A: 25 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 25mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHZ6
Flask,Class A: 50 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 50mL, Includes Closure, Clear, Stopper, 12 PK
0 5YHZ7
Flask,Class A: 100 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 100mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 8 PK
0 5YHZ8
Flask,Class A: 200 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 200mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 6 PK
0 5YHZ9
Flask,Class A: 250 mL Labware Capacity - Metric, Glass, 250mL, Includes Closure, Clear, 6 PK
cell culture
fast freeze
full scale organic chemistry kit
spherical reaction
cylindrical reaction
TLC reagent sprayers
Industrial Supply
630 First Avenue, NY, NY, 10016